samedi 10 août 2013

Six Pack Abs and Performance: Abdominal Training Guide

The abdominal muscles consist of four groups:
1. Transverse abdominus: This is the internal abdominal layer and contains the internal organs and is involved with breathing, especially expel air from the lungs.

Two. External Obliques: These muscles are located on both sides of the rectus abdominis and the upper part of the internal obliques. Its function is to help bend and rotate the upper body.

Three. Internal obliques: is "the same side" rotators, helping the upper body to turn left and right.

April. Abdominal Straight: This is outside the abdominal muscle, and when the train toned look "six pack" due to the bands of connective tissue running through it. The rectus abdominis helps to keep the spine and helps to lean forward.

These muscle groups work together when you do the exercise correctly, and it is important not to overlook a layer of muscle, because the abs not only look better, but your body will function better overall. Your heart:

Some exercises are more effective than others to engage your abdominal muscles, and to get the best results, it is important to choose the right exercises. In particular, the years in which the pool is located in an unstable position, such as the hanging leg lift, bicycle crunch or reverse crunch, will require the full commitment of all layers of the abdominal muscle stability. When you add the rotations, the oblique be involved more.

Importance of basic training of the abdominal

Develop your abdominal training to include all the abdominal muscles will be well on your way to true basic physics, it is essential to keep your body in shape. The core, which can basically be summarized as "everything but arms and legs", including the muscles of the back, chest, shoulders, abs and muscles that perform internal functions. These muscles facilitate and support almost every movement of the body is, and if they are not healthy, it will not.

Abs play an important role in making occur functional body movements as well as compatible with the body and posture support. The best way abs are best for your body will look and run.

Training is recommended static standing or sitting, contracting the abdominal muscles to improve posture and muscle tone. Standing, the contracting abdominals and buttocks while hips aligned spine helps your body correct key to the spine that focuses on the lower back and can contribute to the common back pain.

Remembering to perform these static isometric contractions throughout the day can go a long way to strengthen the abs, taking her back tension, improve posture and overall just feel better. Do not overlook this key element of basic training, it is easy to make and is a great addition to a dynamic abdominal workout that includes exercises such as those listed below.

Great Exercises to include in its program of Abs:

Stability Ball Crunch
Bicycle Cr
Side Crunch
Oblique Rotation
Hanging knee raises
Oblique raises Pendant
Hanging leg lifts
Lying leg lifts

Article by Jewell Jaeme to [] - O2 + H2O Fitness & Nutrition is a scale health blog written by real people who love to explore why and how to get the best shape of your life. Visit our website for more articles and exploration of the world of health and fitness.unches.

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