lundi 26 août 2013

Build Muscle - 3 Easy Steps For Muscle Building

If you want to reduce your body fat, have more energy and also get the attention, in a good way, of course, you need to know only three concepts when trying to build muscle. They are: plan, progression and recovery. In this article I will explain each of these things and show how you can leverage them to create your own muscle building system.
Like in any other important thing that you do, if you want to build muscle, you need a plan and you need to stick to it. Why even have plans if not following them? It means that you don't really want to build muscle. You need to make a plan that is divided into goals that motivate you. The key thing to a good plan is to set goals that are obtainable and also have a deadline attached to it. If you want, and I think it is a good idea, you can write on a notebook all you goals regarding muscle building and next to it put a deadline. Only after you have done this you should think to progression.
When you want to build muscle you always need to be in a progressive state. You have to push yourself to lift more. A good thing to know that will make your muscle building easier is the 80/20 rule. This rule states that the majority of your results came from a few key actions. For example, 80% of crashes are caused by 20% of the drivers and 80%of crimes are committed by 20% of the criminals. To successfully use the 80/20 rule and used when you want to build muscle, you need to isolate and focus on those critical actions that bring you the best result that you want. Although the progression is a good way to achieve something faster you should take some time to recover.
Most people are so focused to build muscle that they workout for 30-40 min and rest for about 10min and then get back to training, and those 10 min represent the recovery. All that doesn't bring you any results because your muscles needs 24 to 48 hours of recovery in order for them to grow. You need to train a muscle group for about twice a week and that is just enough. You see, it isn't so hard to build muscle if you know the right things. Look at these points and ask yourself: is this too hard for me? Of course not. You need to have the right motivation.
The plan will show you the things you need to know in order to build muscle. The progression state will speed up the process in order for you to reach your goals faster. And the recovery will make sure that your muscles are growing and not suffering injuries. Put these principles into use today and enjoy a more fulfilling life tomorrow.

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